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Luigi Pomante

Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria Informatica (PhD)

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Home Page

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Attività didattica

Curriculum Vitae ITA

Curriculum Vitae ENG

Embedded Systems 2017/2018



It has been created a mailing list useful/needed to manage HomeLabs and other issues related to the course (info about the course, news about seminars and project/thesis/stage/work opportunities). Please, send an e-mail to luigi.pomante@univaq.it with your details (name, email, degree course) to subscribe.

NEWS (15/09/2017): OFFICE HOURS

Dr. Pomante's Office Hours are exclusively by e-mail appointment.

NEWS (22/12/2017): END OF THE COURSE

Lessons of the course are concluded.




Overview [9/6]

Introduction [9/6]

HW Technologies [9]

Single/Specific-Purpose Processors [9]

Introduction to VHDL [9]

Homelab FPGA [9/6]*

General-Purpose/Application-Specific Processors [9/6]

Memory [9/6]

Homelab 8051 [9/6]

Interfacing [9/6]

Time [9/6]

Communications [9/6]**

C4uC [9/6]

Advanced GPP/ASP [9/6]

Architectures&DesignIssues [9/6]

Homelab_TIVA [9/6]

Case Study: Digital Camera [9/6]

Wireless Sensor Networks [9/6]

Homelab_WSN [9/6]

Embedded, Real-Time, and Advanced OSs [9/6]

C4uC_Exercises_with_Solutions_1 [9/6]

Homelab EDISON [9/6]***

Design Methodologies [9/6]

Homelab Intel CoFluent [9/6]***

Seminar: "Intellectual Property Value Management" (F. Rogo, LEONARDO)

TestBook [9/6]

C4uC_Exercise_with_Solution_2 [9/6]



09/01/2018 26/01/2018 16/02/2018 09/03/2018 13/04/2018 21/06/2018


* = This homelab has to be done by all the students but the final written test for 6 CFU course will not contain questions about it

** = This lesson is needed for C4uC but the final written test for 6 CFU course will not contain theoretical questions about it

*** = This homelab has to be done by all the students but the final written test will not contain questions about it

Embedded Systems Course 2024-2025


Projects & Thesis




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